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@BenEaton · Guitar · London, UK
I'm a Guitarist, Singer, Songwriter and instrumentalist originally from Australia now living in London. Check out all my music at


Here's a spicy lick using 7 note groupings and some economy picking- this works across a few different feels but I like to play over a 4/4 16th note and start each group of 7 over the down beat- gives… More…


Here's a fun lick using the mixolydian b5 and a repeated hybrid legato lick moving across 2 octaves- you could also pick this but I find the legato and hybrid makes it sound more fluid- we have also added… More…


Here's a fun 2 octave lick using a repeated 1,3,5 left hand pattern combined with some hybrid picking in the A mixolydian scale. Finished off with a fun country lick- Give it a crack!… More…


Here's a fun way to spice up your pentatonic lines with some hybrid picking combined with some colour notes (b5, 6th and 7th). We are repeating some notes as we ascend which gives it a nice affect- Give… More…


Heres a quick and easy way to spice up our pentatonic playing! Using stacked 4ths within the Pentatonic shape and some hybrid picking- you could apply these to any pentatonic shape or any scale really!… More…


Here's a sneaky peak from my new course 'Melodic Soloing' of solo 12. This one is a Dorian approach using target notes, double stops, bends and chromatics to outline and melodically play over the changes.… More…


Heres one of 16 solos I wrote for my upcoming course on using the chord tones while soloing. This solo is played in the key of G minor and uses the underlying chords of Gm, Dm and Cm and their chord tones… More…


Here’s a fun subdivision exercise using the time signature of 6/4 broken up into groupings of 13 and 11 played as 16th notes.… More…


Hey all here's a fast ascending lick in Gm that moves upwards using a repeated 2 string hybrid picking pattern- kind of shifts in and out of straight pentatonic minor into some diminished flavours. Finishes… More…


Here's a picking workout in E7 using mostly alternate picking and economy picking for each string change to get a fast but flowing effect. This ones a real forearm burner and I suggest getting the picking… More…


Here's a fun little diminished tapping idea over a blues rock progression- am using a type of call and response here as in lick, response, lick, response, lick into closing lick. This piece has a bunch… More…


Here's a fun exercise using ascending quintuplet note groupings with a triplet sweep pattern. The whole exercise is contained within the Am Pentatonic scale. … More…


Here's an Etude I wrote to work out some diminished shapes with hybrid picking, tapping, odd times and unusual note groupings. Starts in 6/4 then ends in 7/4 with a 4/4 transition bar. In E diminished.… More…


Here's a fun exercise idea using 7 note groupings inside the A Dorian (with a bunch of chromatics) to get a 'fake triplet' kind of feel. This one basically moves through the 5 pentatonic shapes using this… More…


Here's a fun exercise moving diatonically up through the C major scale using a hybrid picking pattern with a tap/slide/tap pattern on the top string to turn around and descend. … More…


Realised recently that I had never sat down and learned this solo! Such a beautiful melodic piece of lead playing by the amazing Keith Scott (very underrated guitarist!) over this mega hit by Bryan Adams.… More…


Here's a fun hybrid picking into tapping arpeggio sequence in C. Each pattern moves up diatonically through C Major and uses a lot of 9ths and 11ths.… More…


Hey all- here's a little fun thang in A. A whole mess of Hybrid picking here as well as alternate and economy picking mixed in for good measure. … More…


Here’s a fun little exercise using repeated quintuplet groupings and hybrid picking inside the 1st and 2nd boxes of the Em pentatonic. You could probably sweep this as well but I find you get better note… More…


This one's called 'Chicken Hitler' cause it's got a bunch of 'Chicken Pickin' and is such a bastard on the right hand! A whole mess of economy, alternate and chicken picking in the first section then into… More…


Here's a little drill I do to tighten up my economy picking! This is such a great technique for flowing across strings in 3 note per string patterns and has such a lovely string and pick attack sound.… More…


‘Pirate Picking’ sounds like something you’d practice on the high seas after trimming the mainsail but is actually a repeated 7 note grouping over a 3/4 pulse ascending through the E Dorian tonality using… More…


Here's a fun little picking exercise I put to a backing to lock it in- roughly in A7 it involves a mixture of economy and alternate picking when descending in the first section into straight alternate… More…


Been having to isolate due to the plague so have been working on new music- here’s a new section from the tune ‘Crazy RIFFAGE’ (working title 😂) using some harmonised hybrid arpeggios for your eyes and… More…


Every month the good folk over at Jam Track Central post a backing for you to play a solo on- It's great fun and there are always lots of awesome entries. This is my little solo.… More…