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@axeslinger11 · Guitar, Bass · Greater Nashville TN
Clint Tucker is a musician, producer, song writer, and guitar instructor with a degree in music business from Middle Tennessee State University.


Here's the tab for the lead line to Jan 2022 Fretwork Friday Lesson. The song is in F Major and Dm Pentatonic is being used with the sprinkling of triads from Bb major and Gm to create color. Have fun… More…


Here is the lesson for Giggle Monster in the arpeggio sequences for Root Finger 2. Take your time and good luck! … More…


Use these with the Soaring Bends lesson on Youtube… More…


Hey everyone use this little exercise to get your mind working on using pentatonic scales to connect to small triads and chords. Make sure to pay attention to the fingerings. Good luck and have a blessed… More…


Let's master the basics of your bends with this great lesson and song! More…


Make sure to look at the LH fingering and the picking for these triads. Good luck and have a blessed day!… More…


Keep your eye on the picking directions! Good luck and have a blessed day!… More…


Make sure to look at the picking and slow it down. Have a blessed day!… More…