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@christiaandejong · Guitar, flute · Amsterdam, Barcelona
I am a composer, guitarist, flutist and teacher. My main goal is to compose or improvise new music. I have my roots in western classical tradition, you can notice a strong jazz influence. support:


Reading exercices, for the basic level, no TAB in order to stimulate the reading of a traditional score. Ideas from rock, blues, pop and calssical music. More…


Fingerpicking Jazz Exercice in A, based on Blues for Alice by Charlie Parker More…


Jazzblues based on Blues for Alice by Charlie Parker… More…


Fingerpicking jazz exercice in F minor, baesd on harmony of Lullaby of Birdland by George Sharing… More…


Fingerpicking Jazzblues based on harmony of Blues for Aluce by Charlie parker More…


A 16 bar composition of mine with an improvisation based on it. More…


A rock inspired avantagarde theme followed by an improvisation More…


Theme, solo piece for improvisation, solo guitar More…


Fingerpicking Blues No. 12 Intermediate level More…