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@nycviolinstudio · violin, viola, cello · New York City
Online, Private and Group Violin Lessons. Learn more at


Place the index, or "first" finger on the first tape on the D string. Press down. This note is called "E" because it is one note higher than "D". - Place the tip of the finger on the tape. - Keep the fingertip… More…


Here is an arrangement I made for beginners of Ode to Joy pulled directly from the original by Beethoven… More…


Here is an arrangement I made for beginners of Ode to Joy pulled directly from the original by Beethoven!… More…


Adjust the settings to listen to any one of the four parts or any combination thereof.… More…


This is a slow version of the Violin 2 part in this arrangement I made for a string quartet of Trepak (Russian Dance) from the Nutcracker. The Violin 2 part is pretty close to the original. but a bit easier… More…


This is a slow version of the Violin 1 part in this arrangement I made for a string quartet of Trepak (Russian Dance) from the Nutcracker. The Violin 1 part is quite close to the original. but a bit easier… More…


These fingerings are only suggestions. You don't have to use these to accomplish these drills, but I noted the fingering I thought you might ultimately find easiest. Your teacher may suggest different… More…


Here is an arrangement I made for beginners of Ode to Joy pulled directly from the original by Beethoven… More…


To view all parts, go here:… More…


First, decide if you're practicing the easier version or not. Then choose just one to view in settings, instead of both. More…


There are two additional parts you'll see if you expand the settings: the real (harder) Violin I part, and the Viola part without the notes written in.… More…


Here is an arrangement I made for beginners of Ode to Joy pulled directly from the original by Beethoven… More…