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I've dedicated several lessons to playing octaves. Here I show you two ways to play octaves from the sixth string and include an example of playing octaves. More…


How you can easily come up with your own riffs and practice them using the looping chord progressions tool found at More…


This is a chord progression in the jazz style for you to loop and practice your improvisation. It is available in every key. More…


Demonstrates how to easily find all the natural notes climbing a single string - in this example we use the A string. More…


Practice soloing over the 5 to 1 chord progression repeatedly. By narrowing your focus you'll find new ways to handle resolving an altered 5 chord to a 1 major seventh chord. In each key several instances… More…


The twelfth fret bar should mark the middle of each string. At that point is the first harmonic that sounds the octave above the open string. In fact, that's what is used to set the intonation on your… More…


Practice playing along with a backing group playing a single major chord throughout. Limiting to a single chord allows you to focus on your technique. Work on all divisions of the beat - eighth's, sixteenth's,… More…


The distance in frets between all the natural notes - A B C D E F G - on the guitar. More…