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@AntonioGallardo · Guitar · Durango, México.
Professional guitarist from Durango Mexico: some of my main interests in music are Gypsy jazz, Jazz, funk, Progressive metal, psichodelic rock, etc. 5 years of experience teaching guitar, especcially Jazz guitar and improvisation for musicians.


Yardbird Suite adaptation for guitar, I've try to put logical digitations that works for me and my students, I hope that you can find useful too, let's continue explore the great music of Charlie and all… More…


Some Groovy Gypsy jazz lines by the master, enjoy it and happy learning! More…


I love this solo, I share it with you so that you can analyze and study the phrases and the licks of a great Latin American gypsy master… More…


Some lines over a B minor bakicng track by (Benjamin Harrison, amazing Youtube BT'S!)… More…


solo de trompeta de Joe Newman, me enamoré de este solo desde que lo escuché pro primera vez. More…


ejercicios de triadas abiertas y diatónicas basado en conceptos de Tim Miller, Mick Goodrick y Ben Monder. More…


some lines from this guitar master, I hope you can find it useful.… More…


Short solo shoiwng some ideas for soloing over Minor Swing, By Django Reinhardt. More…