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WHa!!1! U teLlenG Mi ThAT DA HIt PoPULar MOd InDEy CrAUSe CoPEYd AuR GOd MoDe WeTH ThEIr NIGht meRE FauRM!?!/1/1! IM GUnnA SUo THeM WetH MaY BiLLIon LaWYers!!!!1!!1… More…


4 Shaggys, three's angry for various reasons, while one got in for fun, versus an ambitious blue-haired rapper and an improbable Nevadian clown.… More…


I've spent like, two days or so MIDIfying up this remake of Double Kill, Rareblin's most popular song.… More…


Somehow, I made this into a MIDI.… More…


A brawl is surely brewing, a Nightmare has risen in Freeplay… More…


In my opinion, HELLCLOWN is a chaotic song. Uneven BPM and multiple time signatures to throw you off, fire arrows, and it's the longest, yet slowest song in the full-ass mod. More…


A Song for Seraphim Sans More…


y o u ' d b e d e a d w h e r e y o u s t a n d… More…


Looks like the X-Event is here!… More…


Undertale: No More Deals By Arvanik… More…


The only song that is Hard = Hard and Easy = Hell… More…


Friday Night Funkin' by NinjaMuffin99… More…