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@gadjo88 · Guitar · Ravensburg
Im a Guitar player and composer from the south of Germany. My Bands are "Die Drahtzieher" and the "Monaco Swing Ensemble".


Some notes over the Bebop Standard by Charlie Parker More…


A preview of the transcription for my waltz, "December Nights." More…


- Just like the diminished Chords you can move other II - V combinations in steps of a minor third. So you get all sorts of altered sounds. But dont worry about, what is happening in theory. Just listen… More…


Here are some classical ideas, which i use in my improvisations. Feel free to learn them. And remember, they can be used anywhere. … More…


This is a little exercise over the Chords of Minor Swing. Chord triads and their inversion did help me a lot, understanding the fretboard. You have 3 voices and any of this voices can move in one direction.… More…