Pete Sklaroff is one of the UK’s most respected and sought-after electric guitar teachers and a highly experienced performer.
Some jazz lines over a common turnaround progression..... More…
Short triplet based alternate picking exercise from the great Steve Morse. Play with strict alternate picking beginning either with a downstroke or upstroke. More…
Here's six jazz lines to work over a Minor Key II V I in C Minor More…
Jazz Turnaround Line I VI7 II V7 More…
More Arpeggio Patterns for Jazz Improvisation More…
10 Diminished Patterns (C HW Diminished Scale) More…
Some alternative chord voicings for a I VI II V turnaround progression such as might be used on the last bars of a Bb Jazz Blues. More…
Here's a great little exercise to play all 12 major scales within a span of five frets. Give it a try.... More…
Presto in G Minor (excerpt) More…
Turnaround Harmony with Chord Subs More…
Double-Time Jazz Turnaround Lines More…
Turnaround Line in all 12 keys More…
Fast Bop Turnaround Lines in G More…
Chromatic Approaches for Cmaj7 More…