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Pricing your Soundslice course

The price for your course is entirely your decision. Our only limitation is that courses must cost at least $1.

Generally, we think $30 is a fair price for an hour-long video course. It’s enough to make it worth your while, and it’s not too expensive for music students. With that said, feel free to go up or down from that, depending on your content.

You’re free to change the course’s price at any time, even if people have already bought it. (Of course, if you increase the price, people who have already bought it won’t be charged the difference.)

Poke around our store to get a sense of what other people are charging.

Can I create a free course?

No. Courses sold on Soundslice must have a price tag of at least $1. We’ve made exceptions before, but we generally prefer not to. Contact us if you’d like to talk about it.