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@ChrisAngela · Guitar, Baritone Guitar, Keyboard/Synth · Port Townsend, WA
Guitarist/Musician living in Port Townsend, Washington. Writing/recording/producing music and videos under the band name "chrisAngela".


I've created a collection of moods and song progressions that have run thru my head my entire life. Lovely to be able to "write" them down using Ableton Live. I perform all the guitar parts on mostly a Kiesel Osiris 6X and Vader 6, Ibanez JS (2450/1CR) types, plus a Strandberg Boden Metal. They are processed directly thru a Fractal Audio AXE FX III. I also play most keyboard parts using a Roland RD-300NX, a small Roland JD-Xi mini-synth, Ableton Push 2, or via Ableton Synth VST plug-ins (Omnisphere, Trilian, Arturia, and Serum for most). I use near exclusively the Addictive Drums 2 plug in for percussion, their mega supply of rhythms and beats are the inspiration for most songs, love! Though I actually started out in my childhood playing drums for a few years, my love was for the guitar and I never became very drum proficient...electronic it is then! Here's a link to my SoundCloud account: