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Introducing threaded comments

Today we’ve added the ability to reply to specific comments on slices.


Each top-level comment on a channel post (example) now has its own “Reply” button. Click that, and your comment will get attached to that specific thread. This helps keep discussions nicely organized and easy to follow.

It also helps make sure replies don’t get lost. Previously, if you responded to somebody’s comment on a slice that wasn’t theirs, they would have no way of knowing you responded to them unless they kept checking the page. Now, there’s a new “Get an email when somebody replies to one of your comments” feature. Replies will get sent to your email and appear on your notifications page.

Finally, note that we limit threads to a single level deep (as opposed to deeply nested comments in the style of, say, reddit). This is to keep things relatively simple.

See you in the comments section! :-)