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New: Edit hairpins in our notation editor

You can finally add and remove hairpins — aka crescendo or decrescendo markings — in the Soundslice notation editor.

Previously, we only supported hairpins if you happened to import a MusicXML file that already had them defined. Now, you can create and remove them directly within our editor.

Use these two new buttons in our editor’s “More notations” menu:


To create a hairpin, select a bunch of notes and click the appropriate button to specify a crescendo or decrescendo. That’s it!


While we were at it, we improved the way we display hairpins. If a hairpin is split across multiple staves, then we’ll now make sure that the hairpin isn’t fully closed at the stave break. Here’s a before-and-after:


It’s subtle change that communicates the intent of the hairpin more clearly.