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Quick licks: Selections from Anomalie’s Métropole Part II

@Anomalie · Keyboard, Montreal

Since the release of Anomalie’s Métropole Part II in October 2018, we’ve frequently gotten the question: “When will the sheet music be available?” Or “Is the sheet music ready yet?”

Wait no more! The full, detailed transcriptions for Métropole Part II are now available on Soundslice. To mark the occasion, we asked Anomalie to give us some liner notes and “Quick licks” from three different parts of the EP.

Métropole Part II


Anomalie: Crescent and Notre-Dame Est are actual streets in the city, whereas canal refers to Canal Lachine, not too far from where I live. I like to go by the canal to walk, run or bike depending on the season. It’s a place that I go to get some work done, whether that’s sampling nearby ambient sounds or listening for things to change in my new arrangements and mixes. It’s one of my favorite places in the city!

Notre-Dame Est

Anomalie: Notre-Dame Est (and Ouest for that matter) refer to a street that is split into its western and eastern segments. The western segment is very active with many restaurants, bars and cafes. Those areas, Saint-Henri, Petite Bourgogne and the Old Port (where a lot of tourists usually go), I illustrated with a very happy, funky track.

The eastern segment is calmer — it goes through both residential and industrial areas. It’s absolutely gorgeous near the end, when it gets to the eastern point of the island. I like to experience that change by bike. It’s what inspired the slow tempo, repeated pattern and nostalgic nature of the track.


Anomalie: Crescent is known by many as a place to go to experience the Montreal nightlife. It’s quite popular with tourists. Since it’s known for its nightclubs and the people that frequent them, Crescent is also sometimes (depending on the person) mocked. I made it as groovy and funky as I could. The track’s been referenced by local press as both a homage to the nightlife there, and a joke about it. I won’t confirm one or the other, preferring to leave that choice to the listener. :)

Anomalie: Anyways, as the tracks are instrumental, I’m always sharing, first and foremost, a mood and a setting that could mean or represent something different for each person!

You can get the newly available transcriptions and support Anomalie here.