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New design for practice lists

We’ve redesigned the way practice lists work, to give them more of a unified feel and organize the interface more clearly.

Previously, when you viewed a slice in a practice list, the tools were in a left sidebar:


Now, the left sidebar lets you navigate through the list, and the tools are on the right:


The general idea is: the practice list is on the left and slice-specific stuff is on the right.

It’s easy to close the sidebars to focus on your music, and we now keep track of whether the sidebars are open — so your preferred setup will be restored next time you practice.

If the sidebars are closed, you’ll still be able to navigate through the list via the previous/next buttons and mark the slice as practiced. Here’s what that looks like on a phone, for example:


We’re considering using this same design for courses — let us know if you have any thoughts on that!