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Importing specific pages from PDFs

Our PDF scanning feature now lets you select which pages to scan. Previously, we always scanned the first eight pages without giving you a way to customize this.

Starting today, when you upload a PDF, you’ll immediately see thumbnail images of each page. Click any page to select or deselect it:


We’re hoping this helps improve your workflow, so you don’t have to use separate software to trim your PDFs down to the right size.


That is awesome! Well done.

How does that work in conjunction with the import limit? Say if i uploaded a PDF book with 10 songs in it some of which cover 3 pages each is the limit of 5 now on pages? or does the book count as 1 or does a page count as 1?
Thanks! The limit is per upload, not per PDF. So if you use a single PDF three times, choosing a different subset each time, that counts as three uploads.
Can I re-use the same upload to import other songs or do I need to re-upload the same PDF multiple times if it contains multiple songs?
At the moment, you'll need to re-upload the same PDF each time, but that's a nice idea for a future improvement.
I downloaded a two page pdf and it only captured one page. How can I download a piece that is more than one page?

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