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Higher-quality printing and PDF export

Today we’ve vastly improved the quality of our printed version, and we’ve made it easier to generate a PDF of your music.

Previously, when you printed a slice, you’d get a popup window that was awkward to work with. We immediately displayed your web browser’s Print dialog, and if you wanted to save a PDF you had to be tech-savvy enough to know how to use “Export as PDF” in your operating system’s UI.

Now, when you print a slice, there’s a much friendlier interface, and it produces a good-looking PDF file directly. You can then either save this file or print it on your own terms.

And the file we give you is now a high-quality vector PDF. Previously, our print version used high-resolution (but rasterized) images of the music. Now, it includes proper vector graphics instructions that scale infinitely. Translation for the less tech-inclined: the files are smaller and the graphics are sharper.

Soundslice is of course about learning and practicing interactively, as opposed to relying on static PDFs — but we respect the fact that sometimes people need to print. We’re happy to have spruced up this dusty little corner of our software.