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New synthetic playback engine

Starting today, if you choose synthetic playback (as opposed to using Soundslice with video or real audio), we’ll use a brand-new playback engine. We’ve rebuilt it from the ground up to fix some fundamental limitations. Here’s what’s new.

First, there’s no longer a limit of three(ish) seconds for each note. Previously, if your music had a long sustained note — say a couple of tied whole notes at a slow tempo — our synthetic playback would stop playing the note after about three seconds. Highly irritating! Now, notes can ring out indefinitely, though some instruments do of course have a natural decay.

Second, the synthetic instruments should have clearer, more well-defined pitches. Previously the sound could be a bit “blurry” in places, and we’ve greatly improved that.

Third, we’ve updated a few of the instruments to use higher-quality samples.

Finally, this new engine gives us a solid foundation for future work. The old system limited the kinds of things we could do, and we have a lot more flexibility and power now. Onward!


Can you Glissando?
Great! I'd love to know: which instruments have been updated with new samples?

Request: would love more accurate "bending" options, basically just so the synth audio represents the bending notation. Secondary to that, being able to control the timing of the rise/fall in the bend is really useful, but to start just having the synth playback "bends" actually sound like bends would be great!
I noticed the difference immediately, the new synthetic playback sounds great.
Thank you so much! As a drummer, the improved drum samples are much appreciated.
Nice! I like that the notes can be indefinite now. This is a nice improvement!

I use soundslice for choral music and have noticed that the Choir Aahs sound seems to continue after the notes have ended (it does die away after a little bit). I understand could be for a reverb effect, but it makes it sound really messy (especially for faster parts) making it difficult to practice. I decided to just use the piano sound for now, but am curious to know if soundslice intends to fix/improve this anytime soon. What's the plan with this?

God bless!
I'd like to follow up on the choral sounds? They're unusable as is.

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