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Vimeo and Brightcove video integration, plus faster uploading

Several of you have been using Soundslice with Vimeo — so we’ve put together a nice integration between Vimeo and Soundslice today. And we went ahead and did it for Brightcove (another video hosting provider), too.

Starting today, when you add a recording in the Soundslice score manager, you’ll see two new options: Vimeo and Brightcove. Here’s the new interface:


The first time you click Vimeo (or Brightcove), you’ll see some instructions on how to link your Soundslice and Vimeo accounts. We’ll redirect you to Vimeo’s site so you can give Soundslice permission to access your videos. (Important note: Vimeo only makes this integration available for Vimeo Pro users, not for free users! Nothing we can do about this, unfortunately.)

Once your Soundslice and Vimeo accounts are linked, you’ll see your Vimeo video thumbnails directly in the Soundslice “Add recording” interface. To select one, just click on it. (Much better than the previous process, where you had to dig up the MP4 URL deep within the bowels of Vimeo’s admin site.)

For Brightcove, the process works basically the same. The only difference is the process for linking accounts.

Finally, even if you don’t use Vimeo or Brightcove, you’ll like how we’ve improved this “Add recording” interface. First, it looks nicer! Second, it lets you upload an audio/video file directly as you create the recording, as opposed to doing that on a second page. It’s a faster and more elegant process now.


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