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New features for editing and embedding Soundslice scores

We’ve been rolling out a bunch of new features lately, as always. If you create scores in Soundslice, you may have already seen some of these.

Wistia integration

We now support Wistia, for people who use Wistia video hosting.

When you add a recording, just select the Wistia option. You’ll first need to link your Wistia account with your Soundslice account. From then on, you’ll be able to access your Wistia videos within Soundslice.

Disabling notation

You can now disable a score’s notation.

Click “Hide notation” when creating or editing the score, and the score will behave in notationless view (i.e., showing only a full-screen video).

Why would you use this? Perhaps you embed Soundslice in your website and want to give people access to your lesson video as soon as possible, before you’ve synced it with notation. In that case, create the score with “Hide notation” checked, then add the video as a recording. Your users will immediately see the video, and you can take your time with notation and syncpoints. When notation and syncpoints are ready, just uncheck “Hide notation.”

Simplified printing toggle

Previously, when creating a score, you had to choose among three printing options — “Printing is disabled,” “Printing is disabled only for embed” and “Printing is allowed.”

This was unnecessarily complicated, given how people were using it, so we’ve simplified it to an “Allow printing” checkbox.

If you check this, then your score will have a “Print” button in its Settings menu.

Switching recordings in the syncpoint editor

You can now switch among a score’s recordings while editing syncpoints.

Previously, you had to click back-and-forth between the syncpoint editor and the score manager. Now, just toggle recordings at the bottom of the player, and you’ll be able to edit syncpoints for multiple recordings.

You can also switch to the the Synthetic player, which wasn’t previously possible in the syncpoint editor. This can be useful if your recording is hard to hear and you need to hear how the notation sounds when played “perfectly” by a computer.

Embed over non-white backgrounds

Previously our embeddable player assumed your website had a white background — causing a flash of white during loading. It no longer does this, meaning it works elegantly with, e.g., black page backgrounds.

New player API methods

If you embed Soundslice in your site, you’re welcome to use these new hooks for customization:

  • The setViz API method lets you dynamically activate (or deactivate) a visualization in the player — the piano keyboard, fretboard, violin fingerboard, waveform or mixer.
  • The viz=0 URL parameter lets you turn off all visualizations.
  • The getFullscreenSupport API method tells you whether the user’s browser supports web pages going full screen.
  • The setFullscreen API method lets you make the Soundslice player full-screen.
  • The narrow_video_height URL parameter now accepts percentages — so you can, for example, specify that the video should use 40% of the available height. This lets you make the player more responsive.
  • The settings=0 URL parameter lets you disable the Settings menu.
  • The vfs=0 URL parameter lets you hide the icon that lets users toggle notationless (full-screen video) view.
  • The setNotationVisibility and getNotationVisibility let you programatically control whether notation is visible.
  • The ssAudioEnd API event is triggered when playback reaches the end of the recording.
  • The ssToggleSettings API event tells you when the Settings menu is toggled.
  • The show_notation=0 URL parameter lets you activate notationless view on a per-embed basis.

All of these new hooks are fully documented here.


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