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New notation feature: Small noteheads

For those of you creating slices, we’ve added support for small (cue-sized) noteheads.

Screenshot of notation

Some people like to use these to specify notes are optional — for example, optional harmonies.

You have two ways to use small noteheads in your slices. First, using our notation editor, select a note or notes, then click the “Small notehead” icon.

Screenshot of UI

Second, for those of you notating in other programs and importing MusicXML into Soundslice, you’ll be happy to know that our MusicXML importer now detects small noteheads and does the right thing.


[Comment posted by dan]

Given a solo acoustic mp3 file as input, is it possible to "work backwards" and actually create (give or take) a transcription of that file?
Not automatically, if that's what you're asking (nothing in the world does that with an acceptable degree of accuracy).

But Soundslice makes it very easy to transcribe it yourself, as we have tools for that together in a single interface (notation editing, MP3 syncing, slowdown/looping).
[Comment posted by dan]

I would love to see a "getting started" video on how to analyze a tune by slowing it down to a reasonable speed and where to go from there. How do I even know if I need to change to some bizarre (guitar) tuning? Soundslice seems to be a great first step but what a treat it would be to watch a pro go through the analysis of how to put the music to paper! For those of us with tin ears we need all the help we can get!

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