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Easier process for creating slices and adding recordings

For those of you making slices: today we’ve greatly simplified the process of doing so.

Previously, there was a lot of clicking through various screens — first clicking the “Add slice” button in the slice manager, then filling in a form, then getting redirected back to the slice manager and needing to find the slice you just created, etc.

Now, it’s much more streamlined. In the slice manager, click “Add slice” as before. A slice will instantly be created, and you’ll be taken to its page — which has a new “empty state” menu that lets you add a recording, upload notation or open our notation editor, all right there.


As part of this, we’ve made a second improvement: it’s now possible to add recordings directly from the slice page. If you click “Edit” in the upper right of a slice page, the list of recordings at the bottom of the screen will get an “Add a recording” option.


These changes are part of our effort to make slice pages self-sufficient — that is, everything important should be editable directly from that page, instead of requiring you to jump back to the slice manager. Hope you enjoy, and please let us know if you have any feedback.