How to import a notation file
Here’s how to import a notation file into Soundslice.
1. In the slice manager, click the “New slice...” button and select “Start with a notation file.”
2. You’ll see the “Upload notation file” screen. Simply drag your notation file onto this window, then click the “Upload notation file” button:
3. It’ll take a few moments to process. Then you’ll see your notation rendered directly in Soundslice. You can either stop here, make edits to the notation or sync performance recordings.
What if I didn’t start with that “Import notation file” button and I created a slice in another way?
No problem. See Re-importing a notation file to learn how you can override your slice with notation from a file.
What if I made a mistake and uploaded the wrong file?
No problem — you can simply upload a different file to overwrite your slice’s notation. The previous version of your slice will be retained in your slice’s version history.
What if I spotted an error in my notation? Do I have to go back to my original notation file, export again, then import again?
Sure, you could do that. You could also just make the correction directly within Soundslice, using our own notation editor — much faster.
It depends on your end goal:
- If your end goal is to create stuff on Soundslice, then by all means use our editor and don’t worry about correcting your original file.
- If you need your original file to be pristine — perhaps for printing or integrating in some other workflow — then correct the original file.