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Sharing slices overview

Soundslice is the best way to learn from music notation and recordings, and we love to see people sharing their creations. In this guide, we’ve compiled some pointers (and requests) about how to best share slices with other musicians, students, or whoever!

Share with our community on your channel

Looking to share your slice with the whole world? Publish it to your channel and share it with our community. Think of your channel as a blog, YouTube channel or Instagram page — but specifically for your musical ideas. It’s public and totally free to use, both for people creating and consuming. You can read more about Soundslice channels in our dedicated help section.

Share the slice with a secret link

Secret links require a Plus plan or higher.

If you don’t want to post to your channel, you can share slices via a secret link. With a secret link, only people who know the link will be able to see the slice. It won’t appear on your channel or in search results.

To do this, edit the slice and hit “Share” at upper right, then select “Enable secret link.” Choose “Enabled” and your slice will be marked as "Secret link enabled".

Once you’ve done that, you can simply copy and paste the slice’s URL and send it to whomever you’d like to send it to.

One important thing to consider is that secret links aren’t secure. There’s no password or authentication required, so anybody who knows the secret link can view it. We advise against using this feature for content that you want to completely lock down.

Secret links only work while you’re in a paid plan. If you enable the secret link for a slice, then cancel your paid plan, the secret link will stop working.

You can deactivate the secret link at any time, using the same method as activating it. If you deactivate the secret link, anybody with the link won’t be able to access that slice anymore.

Share a slice or course privately

Sharing privately requires a Teacher plan.

If you want to share slices with specific people, with complete control over exactly who gets to see them, you can create private slices. Private slices allow you to pick exactly who can view them.

Slices shared privately also have lots of additional features designed for working with students. For example, you can ask students to upload audio/video performances, give them feedback, and bundle multiple slices together into a private course.

Every student benefits from auto-saved player settings and gets the ability to create their own clips. Normally these features are only available for people in paid Soundslice plans, but students in private courses get them for free!

For more information, see Teaching with Soundslice.

Sell a course

If you want to sell access to your slice(s), and you own the rights to the material, you can create a course and sell it on our store. For more information, see our help section.

Embed on your own site

One of the great things about Soundslice is that you can embed it in other websites. If you run your own website and want to embed your slices, here are your options:

  1. If you’ve posted your slice to your channel, then you can embed it for free. Just click “Embed” when viewing your channel post, and you’ll get the embed code. Note this embed uses our miniplayer, and it has a link back to your full channel post on
  2. If you’d like to embed our full player, giving your site users all the rich features of Soundslice, use our Licensing plan. It’s excellent software that’s used by many websites around the world.

Share video screengrabs on social media

Though video screengrabs aren’t the best way to learn, they can be a fun way to put your slices “out there” on social media. Video snippets and images of slices can be entertaining, and if you’re a teacher looking for students, they can be a nice way to market yourself.

We don’t have a built-in way to export slices as videos; you’ll need to use separate screencapturing software to do this.

Depending on your operating system and device, here are some software recommendations:

A tip: if you post a screenshot or a video screengrab of a slice to social media, include a link to the slice itself somewhere near the post (e.g., YouTube description, Instagram bio, etc.). Otherwise people might not realize there’s a fully featured learning experience for them to use.

Since we work hard on the technology and are mindful about piracy, we have some nitpicky rules about this method:

  • Selling screenshots or video screengrabs of slices (yours or someone else’s) isn’t cool and is explicitly disallowed. We will suspend accounts that do so.
  • Making screenshots or video screengrabs of someone else’s public slices without their permission is not allowed.
  • Obscuring the Soundslice branding of our player, or making it appear that the Soundslice player was built by you (!), is not allowed. If you must obscure the branding for stylistic reasons, please be sure to credit us — using, e.g., the URL.