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New: A context menu in our player

You can now right-click any music in Soundslice to get some useful options:

Screenshot of context menu

The idea is to make some of our player’s functionality more discoverable and easy to access. The current options are:

Please note that the Appearance and Instruments options won’t necessarily always be visible. For example, if the music only contains a single instrument, we automatically simplify our Settings panel to hide the Instruments section.

On touchscreen devices, which obviously don’t have a way to right click, you can open this context menu by doing a long press. Just hold your finger down on the music for about a second.

This context menu is currently only available when viewing a slice — not when editing it. We can envision a bunch of useful context-menu features for editing, so that’s on the to-do list.

If you have any ideas for how we can expand this menu (either in view or edit mode), let us know!