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Editor improvements, Nov. 16

We’ve made a bunch of improvements to our notation editor. Here’s what’s new:


We’ve finally added a proper transposition command! You can transpose a selection of notes, or a whole instrument, or the whole slice.

This does permanent transposition, as opposed to our existing transposition feature, which does temporary transposition (and is reset if you reload the page).

The feature is accessible via the editor search — search for “transpose” — and it looks like this:


For details, see our new help page. This feature is available for all Soundslice users, including free accounts.

Discard unsaved changes

Back in April, we added automatic backups in our editor. If you close your browser window without saving, we’ll restore your unsaved changes next time you edit that slice.

But sometimes that behavior gets in the way — like, if you make a few edits, then decide that you don’t want to save them. In that case, you can’t simply reload the page because that doesn’t clear the edits due to the automatic backup!

This particular situation was a bit cumbersome to deal with, but it’s now much easier. Our editor now has a “Discard unsaved changes” button:


Click that, and the slice’s notation will revert to the last actual saved version (throwing out any changes you’ve made, including any auto-saved changes).

You can get to the button by opening the editor’s version history or by clicking “X unsaved changes” at the bottom of the screen.

This feature is available for all Soundslice users, including free accounts.

Export PDF

We’ve made it much faster and easier to get a PDF of any slice you’ve created.

Previously, in order to get a PDF version of a slice, you had to manually enable printing in its settings — which required a bunch of clicks and had the side effect of enabling printing for anybody viewing your slice.

Now, you don’t have to manually enable printing. The “Export PDF” option is always available in the editor, next to the other export options:


The old “Allow printing” option still exists, but it’s now called “Allow viewers to print” — a more precise name for that function.

As before, PDF export is limited to people in a paid plan.

Redesigned editor search

The editor’s search feature has gotten a visual and functional makeover.

Previously, the search results appeared in the left sidebar, which was a bit cramped. Now, they’re at the top of the page:


This visual approach matches what a lot of other software does, and it gives us more space to work with for future features.

We’ve also added a search history. When you open the search, before you search for anything, it’ll display the most recent commands you’ve accessed via search:



Absolutely Brilliant! Love the new transpose function. Thank you so much!
May I suggest you add the functionality to slashed chords like /e or /f# (bass note only)
Also maybe do the recent commands globally? often we use the same commands in different slices... that would make the process even faster?

Again Great work as always!
Thanks, those are great suggestions for further improvements!
C'est excellent ! Ces fonctionnalités sont puissantes ! Je me disais il y a encore quelques jours que la transposition de notes manquaient, j'ai dû tout écrire à la main.
Le gain de temps va être énorme ! Bravo et merci pour tout l'équipe !
EDIT : Ah, je ne trouve pas l'interface "Transpose" ... c'est bien dans la boite d'édition là où se situent "Bars/Notes/Reapeats/etc..." ?
Vous pouvez le trouver avec la fonction de recherche. Recherche "transpose" :)
These are great updates - thank you!
As usual, great improvements.
I will find the ability to add a capo on the fly for one track or all tracks really useful. For young students it is very useful to play scores with the capo in the middle of the neck and to move it back as you go.
Just to be clear: you mean a capo change (repositioning) in the middle of a performance?
yes adjustable for users in the same place as the transposition. This would only be useful in synth mode of course

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