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Searching and filtering your slices

If you’re logged in to your Soundslice account, you’ll see a search box at the top of most pages of our site. This lets you search your slices or public posts by the Soundslice community.

When you type into the search box, you’ll see immediate results:


In the results, you’ll see a “Your slices” section if any of your own created slices match the search. Under that, there’s a link to do the search in the community section.

Filtering your slices

In the slice manager, click the button at upper right for options to filter all of your slices:


In “Filter by,” the options are:

You can use filters together with the search. First do a search, then click one of the filters.

Note that filters aren’t available within folders.

Setting the default slice view

In your slice manager, when you click a slice’s title, our default is to open that slice in “View” mode. If you prefer to open it in “Edit” mode, use the “Slices open in…” preference in the filter controls described above.

Does the search feature search folder names?

Yes. (Read more about folders here.)

Is there a way for other people to search all of my slices? Like, all the slices I’ve posted to my channel?

No, this isn’t possible at the moment. They’ll need to use our sitewide search.